Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Struggling in the Streets


Your outside, it’s cold, dark, and raining. If you are not in a homeless shelter and are homeless this can be pretty bad. However, if you do not fit any of these descriptions you are probably fortunate enough to have a roof over your head.

If you live in Los Angeles and haven’t noticed - we have a dire homelessness issue.

Los Angeles is the capitol of Homelessness. We need to create an effective remedy to decrease homelessness in our country, specifically Los Angeles.

There are thousand of homeless men, women, and children living on Skid Row every night.

This past spring, I conducted an ethnographic study of this sub-group at one of the nationally known rescue missions located on Skid Row in the city of Los Angeles.

I found that there are several individuals who are making a difference in their life to escape the social stigma of laziness and as people who are drug abusers, or have a serious mental illness. These types of stigmas are generally applied to people who are homeless. However, I witnessed people in drug rehabilitation programs who were working, going to school, and giving back to their community through volunteerism.

The shelters provide a positive opportunity for homeless people to start over and make a difference in their life. However, the homeless issue does not go away by concentrating a strip of homeless shelters on Skid Row.

The problem is more prevalent then people ought to know. For example, the Homelessness issue creates a huge financial burden on our nation’s tax payers who pay millions of dollars each year in public services that specifically benefit the homeless.

Clean up Los Angeles. Clean up the national homelessness issue. Los Angeles has one of the largest numbers of homeless individuals living in the city. A major contribution to the homelessness issue is the problem with unaffordable housing. Unfortunately, many people are only a couple of paychecks from ending up on the streets.

Providing more affordable housing will help decrease a large number of homelessness.
We hear many politicians talk about how the issue of homelessness is of utter importance, but we do not see any results or solutions to the problem.

We need to pressure politicians to prove that they are taking action to solving Homelessness in America.

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