Saturday, February 3, 2007

Thou Shall Not Disobey The Law

National Football League attorney, Rachel L. Margolies successfully sought to shut down congregations from gathering to watch Super Bowl XLI on big screen television sets across the country. According to the "NFL guidelines — and federal law — churches, schools and other public venues can hold football-viewing parties only if they use a single, living-room-size TV, no bigger than 55 inches. When they project the game onto 12-foot screens or set up banks of TVs, they cross the line, according to NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy". However, this stringent search to shut down large amounts of people from viewing the big game on one screen is clearly the work of excellent public relations practitioners to discover different ways to protect and increase the profits of the NFL industry. Nielsen Media Research are currently only able to determine the ratings of a show by using surveys and from household viewership. As a result, the NFL figured they need to fill living rooms to increase their ratings. Thus, strictly enforcing churches to cancel their congregations from viewing the game on one screen.

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